Friday, July 20, 2007


Erin was waiting here when we returned from vacation (July 12th); she went along with us and Dan to get the two new LBs in Brentwood. We went to get the new pair of boxes placed in a lovely little park (reclaimed water treatment plant!) right here in Brentwood.
Team Bear-Cat

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Update sent on July 3rd

In Erin's visit to Louisville, we maintenanced Teepsman's 8 "Friends" series and discovered half of them gone. Oddly enough, Janice is missing with Joey, Ross and Chandler, while Gunther is still around hanging out near Rachel, Phoebe and Monica.

We also checked on Kellybean's "The Cardinal" that she donated for the Winter BBQ 2006 gathering; Penguin Patrol's "Flowers: Violets," "Sur Les Pointes," "Steggie and Me" and 3 of the 4 Zoo boxes.

Erin took the wheel, squeaking out the desire to head toward Cincinnati, OH, collecting a variety of letterboxes hidden at rest stops, gorgeous parks, and some nifty urban placings. Some of these boxes have been in place since 2001!

There was only one problem with Erin - counting paces! After our third or fifth discussion of Erin steps vs. MoWizLiz steps, we adopted a standard conversion factor. That seemed to work better!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Erin checks in

After a long day of boxing, Erin really wanted a good plate of Bangers and Mash or Scotch eggs, but alas, no Irish food was anywhere to be found, so we settled at Olive Garden. Erin ordered a plate big enough to swim in, but reconsidered the request when the food arrived.

Sitting high atop one of the many overlooks in Eden Park in Cincinnati, OH, looking for one of Franzsolo's newer boxes, planted in 2003. Calling for clue help. Erin checking one more time that a pace equals two steps before heading downhill in Cincinatti.